I have a friend, who has had an orchard for many years. Every year when the pest season comes, he is particularly busy. And every year he tries to use various insecticides. But now the effect is getting worse and worse.
He ask me for suggestion. After assessing the economic benefits of his orchard, I suggested that he use insect nets.
Even the investment of structure and anti-insect net is high, but it could provide an effective protection for crops for several season, all of this could reduce the damage from the insect, increase the yields and quality of fruits.
Do you have the same problem in agriculture?
If you also have similar trouble in agriculture, I hope this blog could solve your problem. At first, let me introduce the insect net for you.
What is anti-insect net
Anti-insect net, also known as insect net or insect netting, is an essential component in modern agriculture for pest management and crop protection.
These specialized nets are designed to create a physical barrier that prevents insects, such as aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and other pests, from accessing and damaging crops.
It has small mesh size, the mesh is usually rectangle. The mesh size depends on the size of insect you want to prevent.

It is made of HDPE with you, could be used for several seasons. it is durable enough to withstand the different outdoor conditions.
It is widely used as the covering of tunnel and greenhouse. Before installing them, you should built the structures for them in advance.
Main harmful insect to crops
There are numerous harmful insects that can damage crops and fruits in agriculture. These pests can significantly reduce crop yields, quality, and overall profitability if not properly managed.
Aphids: These small, soft-bodied insects feed on plant sap and can transmit plant diseases.
Whiteflies: Whiteflies are known for their ability to suck sap from plants and transmit plant viruses.
Thrips: Thrips damage crops by feeding on plant tissues and can leave behind scars and distortions on fruits and leaves.

Caterpillars: Various types of caterpillars, such as armyworms and hornworms, can devour plant leaves, stems, and fruits.
Weevils: Weevils often infest stored grains and can also damage cotton and fruit crops.
Beetles: Several beetle species, including the Colorado potato beetle and the Japanese beetle, can cause extensive damage to crops by consuming leaves and plant tissues.
Fruit Flies: Fruit flies lay their eggs in fruit, and the resulting larvae can cause fruit to rot from the inside.
Leafhoppers: Leafhoppers feed on plant sap and can transmit pathogens that cause diseases in crops.
Spider Mites: These tiny arachnids feed on plant cells, causing leaves to yellow, stipple, and eventually die.

Stink Bugs: Stink bugs can damage various fruit and vegetable crops by piercing plant tissues and feeding on the juices.
Mites: Various species of mites, such as two-spotted spider mites and rust mites, can damage crops by sucking plant fluids.
Mealybugs: Mealybugs feed on plant sap and can cause stunted growth and the development of sooty mold on leaves.
Scale Insects: Scale insects attach themselves to plant stems and branches, sucking sap and weakening plants.
Wireworms: These larvae of click beetles tunnel into soil and feed on plant roots, damaging crops like potatoes and carrots.
Corn Borers: Corn borers tunnel into corn stalks and can damage the crop’s structural integrity.

Nematodes: Plant-parasitic nematodes can attack the roots of various crops, causing stunting and reduced nutrient uptake.
What harm do pests do to crops
Pests can cause various types of harm to crops, leading to reduced yields, economic losses, and increased challenges for farmers.
Feeding Damage: Many pests consume plant tissues, such as leaves, stems, or roots, leading to physical damage and reduced plant vigor. This can result in stunted growth, reduced photosynthesis, and overall decreased plant health.

Yield Reduction: Pests can directly reduce crop yields by consuming or damaging the edible parts of the plants, such as fruits, seeds, or grains. This can have a significant impact on agricultural productivity.
Transmission of Diseases: Some pests, like aphids and whiteflies, can transmit plant pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, from one plant to another. This can lead to the development of plant diseases that cause wilting, discoloration, and reduced crop quality.

Deformation: Feeding by certain pests can cause physical deformities in crops. For example, thrips can create scars and blemishes on fruit, making them less marketable.
Reduction in Quality: Pests can reduce the quality of crops by causing cosmetic damage, altering taste, or affecting texture. This can make the produce less desirable to consumers.
Secondary Infections: Pests can create entry points for secondary infections, such as fungi and bacteria, which can further damage crops and reduce their quality.
Benefits of anti-insect net
There are many kinds of solution to control the pest, why do I suggest the anti-insect net. Because the insect net has many unique benefits.
Environmentally Friendly: Insect nets provide a non-chemical method of pest control, reducing the need for chemical insecticides. This benefits the environment by minimizing pesticide residues, decreasing chemical runoff, and reducing harm to non-target species.
Reduced Pesticide Use: With insect nets, there is often no need for frequent pesticide applications, which can be expensive and time-consuming. This reduces the overall environmental and health impacts associated with pesticide use.

Crop Quality and Safety: Insect nets help maintain the quality and safety of crops by protecting them from physical damage, reducing the risk of pest-related disease transmission, and preventing contamination with pesticide residues.
Improved Microclimate: Insect nets can moderate temperature fluctuations, reduce wind damage, and help maintain optimal humidity, creating a more favorable microclimate for plant growth.
Reduced Labor and Management: With fewer pesticide applications and less time spent monitoring and managing pests, farmers may benefit from reduced labor costs and less stress associated with pest control.
Which kinds of crops need anti-insect net
Anti-insect nets can be used on a wide variety of crops to protect them from insect pests. The choice to use anti-insect nets depends on factors like the specific pest pressure in a region, crop susceptibility, and economic considerations.
Fruit Orchards: Orchards of fruit trees, such as apples, pears, peaches, and cherries, can benefit from anti-insect nets to protect the fruit from pests like codling moths, apple maggot flies, and other fruit-feeding insects.

Vegetable Crops: Various vegetables, including tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and zucchinis, are susceptible to insect pests like aphids, whiteflies, and thrips. Anti-insect nets can help protect these crops.
Berry Bushes: Crops like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are vulnerable to pests like fruit flies and stink bugs, making anti-insect nets valuable for safeguarding the fruit.
Greenhouse Vegetables: In greenhouse environments, anti-insect nets can prevent the entry of a wide range of pests, including aphids, mites, and whiteflies, which can thrive in these controlled settings.

Seed Production: Crops grown for seed production, such as corn, sunflowers, and soybeans, can be protected from insects that damage the seeds and reduce the quality of the final product.
High-value Crops: High-value specialty crops like flowers, herbs, and spices can also benefit from anti-insect nets to preserve the quality and appearance of the plants.
Organic Farming: Organic farms often rely on anti-insect nets as an alternative to chemical pesticides, making them an essential tool for pest management in organic agriculture.
Seedlings and Young Plants: Nursery and young plant production facilities can use anti-insect nets to protect seedlings from insect pests that can significantly impact plant growth.

How to install the insect net
In agriculture, the insect net is usually installed on the tunnel or greenhouse. There are some normal steps of installation for your reference.
Select the Right Type of Insect Net:
Choose an insect net with an appropriate mesh size for your application. The mesh size should be small enough to prevent the entry of the target pests.
Measure the Area:
Measure the area or structure you want to cover with the insect netting to determine the required dimensions.

Gather Materials and Tools:
Depending on the installation method, you may need materials like wooden or metal frames, hooks, anchors, or adhesive tape, as well as tools like drills, screws, and cutting tools.
Frame or Support Structure
General speaking, you should build a frame or support structure to fit the measurements of the area you want to cover. Ensure it’s sturdy and secure.
Attach the Net to the Structure:
Secure the insect net to the frame or support structure using fasteners, clips, or hooks. Make sure the net is taut and free from gaps or loose areas.
Seal Openings and Edges:
To prevent pests from finding entry points, seal any openings or gaps in the net using tape, glue, or other appropriate sealing methods.

Secure the Bottom Edge:
If the net covers an open area or has an access point, consider adding a weighted bar or another fastening method to secure the bottom edge of the net.
Regular Maintenance:
Inspect the net periodically for damage or wear, and make necessary repairs or replacements to maintain its effectiveness.
How to choose the insect net
Now, I think you might be clear how to use the insect net. if you want them, here are some details you should consider. If you want to learn more detail, you could click HERE.
Mesh size
Select a mesh size that is suitable for the pests you want to exclude. Smaller mesh sizes are effective against tiny insects like aphids and thrips.
The mesh size is smaller, the more kinds of pest you could exclude, but the cost would be higher. So you should consider the main pest you want to control.

The normal mesh size in the market are 16×16, 16×25, 25×32, 32×32, 25×40, 40×32, 40×50, 40×40.
The normal weight in the market is 80-120g, the weight is higher, the strength is higher enough to withstand bad weather, but the cost will be also higher.
So you need consider if the insect net should withstand so many bad weathers in your country. The preference of the farmer need also be considered.
What is cost
If you just want to buy some rolls of insect net for your garden tunnel, the cost is not so much. Or you want to do the business of insect net to resell them to the farmer in your market, you just need know the size of insect net by roll.

However, if you want to invest the insect net for your greenhouse or orchard, you need calculate the cost of total projects. The normal cost of insect net per hectare is about 3500-5000 usd. The cost of structure might be 6000-8000 usd per hectare. The cost might be different in different market and requirements.
How to choose the supplier
If you are the owner of the orchard or greenhouse projects, or the business man of nets in agriculture, choosing a nice supplier as your partner is the most important thing.
I have several tips for you to choose the good supplier for you, hope it is useful for you.
Check Supplier’s Experience:
Consider the supplier’s experience in the field. A supplier with a proven track record and years of experience is more likely to provide reliable products and services.
If they have good knowledge in all the details of insect net and agriculture, and could provide some useful suggestions to solve your problems, I think they are worth to trust.
Product Quality and Durability:
Inquire about the quality of the insect nets they offer. Ask for samples or product specifications to assess the materials, UV resistance, and durability.

I suggest that you could make a small trial order for the start. If there is no problem with the first trial order, there is little risk of quality problems with large orders next time.
Let’s come back to the story of my friend at the beginning of this blog.
When the insect net was finished, the lost caused by pests was reduced so much. And it is easy to manage the orchard with few labor.
The most important thing is that the quality and yields were increased. Compared to other orchards without insect net, he can sell their fruits in higher price.
Even the investment of insect net is high at the first time, but the returns have completely exceeded the investment. And the insect net and structure could be used for several seasons.
So you should assess the investment and the return, the value of the crops you want to protect is also very important.
If you have other questions, I am very happy to receive your message. Maybe we can provide our suggestions for you.